Collection of SHORT JOKES!

Posted by | 17.42
1.        A: Just look at that young person with the short hair and blue jeans. Is it a boy or a girl? B: It's a girl. She's my daug...
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Posted by | 02.54
Ghost.. A professor at the Auburn University was giving a lecture on Paranormal Studies. To get a feel for his audience, he asks, 'How m...
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7 Practical Strategies When Facing Failures

Posted by | 05.45
When failure stares you in the face, you may just wish to be somewhere else except where you are. However, deep down in your heart you know...


Posted by | 16.14
1. That’s great 2. Good job 3. Excellent 4. I appreciate that 5. That’s looking good 6. Good work 7. Great work 8. You’re doing well 9. Good...

Short inspirational Story: 'Your life is a reflection of you...'

Posted by | 16.12
"A son and his father were walking on the mountains. Suddenly, his son falls, hurts himself and screams: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" ...
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Steps to Personal Fulfillment

Posted by | 15.59
Everybody knows: You can't be all things to all people You can't do all things at once You can't do things equally well You can...

(Inspiration) The 30 Most Satisfying Simple Pleasures Life Has to Offer

Posted by | 16.53
1.         Sleeping In on a Rainy Day As the rain beats lightly against the window, you nestle your head deeper into your pillow. The so...

Story: Tale of Two frogs

Posted by | 02.00
A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, th...
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